5 Ways Animated Videos Can Help Improve Marketing

Saurabh Tiwary | 15th April 2016

Over the years, marketing trends have evolved with so many innovative ideas to promote business on the various platforms. A new evolving trend that we have come across recently is marketing products through videos. People call these videos with different names like explainer videos, marketing videos, animated videos, short videos, motion videos and many more. But it is mostly known as explainer or animated videos for marketing.

Animated Video For Marketing

One of the major questions asked by every organization is “Do animated videos really help?”

Well, there is an obvious answer to this question. “When you stay still, nobody cares, when you move, you are followed”. This statement is quite apt even in the case of animated videos. Motion Graphics has immersed as the most impactful marketing tool and presently a large number of reputed firms make use of animated videos for explaining their products and services to their customers. So, let us examine how can animated videos help you with more audience reach and improved sales.

  • More Conversion Rate:- As per the survey stats by a number of reputed online marketing firms, it is very evident that video contents are far more engaging than any other form. Reports state that the conversion rates were likely to be 5 times more than that of any other advertising media like print media or online ads. When people come across a video content, they tend to go through it and find it  promising and in most of the cases, rush to companies for related services.
  • Customer Satisfaction:- When you use an explainer video to describe your products or services, it answers most of the queries of the customer. As a result, the end user is left with full satisfaction in terms of quality and brand.
  • Video Content Boosts SEO:- As reported by Google, a website that shares related video content is likely to generate more traffic than a website containing only articles. Hence, more video views, more linking and more landing pages.
  • Easy Content Sharing and User-Interaction:- Video sharing involves less effort than promoting a textual content. It can be placed on your website or shared on social media as well and also there are chances of it being viral in some cases. Apparently, interaction becomes easier as one need not go in-depth of the content to figure out what it is. Instead, it becomes easier to understand things in videos as everything is described without seeking much of user’s effort.
  • Cost-Efficient Marketing Tool- It is not always that you need to spend a lot of bucks in creating animated videos for marketing your product. It’s all about your creativity and innovation to be put on the table to create a useful video content. By means of least resources, and by making use of some software applications, you can achieve a good video for marketing your products. It’s more about thoughts, scripts and presentation but not about extravagance.

Oodles Studio is one of the leading video designing companies that specializes in creating every type of video including marketing videos like explainer videos, short animated videos, product description videos etc. We make use of cutting-edge tools to create videos that are engaging and worth in marketing your products.

About Author


Saurabh Tiwary

2 Comments To “5 Ways Animated Videos Can Help Improve Marketing”

    This article is very interesting, it can go viral easily, with
    some initial traffic, how to bring visitors to it? Just search in g00gle for ; rilkim’s tips

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