Adobe asset library and pexel plugin

Shubham Pachauri | 30th June 2017

Adobe creative cloud’s gives you Freedom to save your assets online. This option comes very handy while you are working in a field where you have to work fast in order to proves your productivity. At that crucial time you can use this awesome option you can save assets in cloud library which you use very often in your projects. So next time when you need those asset you directly drag from cloud library with all its layer and properties.

Things you can do with adobe library:


  • You can templates: Sometimes we repeat few sets of designs properties in our all our projects. In Adobe creative library we can save them as a templates. So Whenever You need them in future you can drag those templates into your project directly.



  • You can save fonts: Sometimes we use new fonts in our project. And when we share to some other designers or any concern other person. It is not editable by them as they don’t have that font. But if you save your font on creative cloud you can share that font directly with all other concern people through creative cloud.



  1.       Can access from anywhere: Anything you save on creative cloud with your registered  Adobe id. You can access it from anywhere you want with any of your machines. You just need to login with your adobe Id.


similarly there is a plugin for stock images called pexel plugin which you can use it to pick stock images for your project directly within Photoshop or illustrator. It using same Adobe library structure. You search images their for you project by categories or your custom keywords. It comes very useful while creating Application and websites. By a single click on you can try a preview of different images in a single screen.

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Shubham Pachauri

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