Exponentially Advertise Your Business With Video Animation Services

Bharat | 26th June 2018

An animated business explainer video is a great tool-set for alluring visitors to a website. Video animation services or animated business explainer videos highlight the essential points and attribute of a product or services of a business. As per the reports of many research and training agencies, an average user expends nearly 10 to 20 seconds on a website, unless he has a persuasive reason to stay longer. The initial seconds are essential because they give a compelling purpose to a user to stay on a website. Furthermore, in a shorter time span, a website cannot depend only on good quality content and graphics to attract a customer’s attention. This blog tells us how you can exponentially advertise your business with video animation services.

Also Read: How to use Functional Animation for an Improved User Experience?

Why we need video animation services:

More influence on people:

As per a study, only 20% people remember what they read and only 10% remember what they hear. Furthermore, the visual information processed at a frequency, 60,000 times more than texts. Also, according to these available statistics, we should give more importance to visual information than audio and text-based data. These videos have the tendency to clearly express your services and products in few seconds. The involvement of audio and visuals altogether can enhance the user experience.

Current video trends:

In one of its report, Cisco claims that video traffic will rise to 80% in the year 2019. Forbes also said that now it’s time to not to take multimedia as a supplementary tool for online marketing. In addition, it predicts that due to increased reach of effectiveness and engagement, B2C companies will use more videos. It seems that B2B companies will follow the same trend in some time.

Improves business in various areas:

These services are good for fields of business where selling a product through various means of promotion is really problematic. These videos must incorporate the info of your target customer’s complications, advantages of the organization, it’s working pattern, various cases with numbers and so on. The Prime advantage of these services is that with the help of these videos, we can visualize any information.


For a business, video animation services are important and we here at Oodles Studio provide these service. These services are very helpful in many ways, like either we have to increase sales, rankings on search engines, customer’s engagement or minimizing the number of consultations. Moreover, they are helpful in many ways like making complex things simpler by describing products features to customers and boosting a business in many ways.

About Author



Bharat is a Content Writer at Oodles Studio having an immense passion for writing Technical Content. He has written content on UI, UX, web designing, and graphic designing.

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