I have been surfing the web for more than a decade now. In my early days, when I used to visit any website, I often tried to figure out the menus and the primary navigation options that were mostly the part of every other homepage during those days. For a web or mobile app UX designer, using colors effectively was believed to be a major design objective. However, the web and mobile app design have significantly evolved over the past few years. An obvious cause might be an increased number of mobile users which has given rise to a new layout i.e. Card Layouts. It is a popular layout being employed in the mobile apps design in recent years.
Card Layouts are basic design elements of Responsive and Flat Designs that display the content of a website in various card formats or style. Card interfaces have been in the vogue for their unique way of representing page information by categorizing them in a way that looks like they are printed on cards. Separating various components of the web page viz. texts, images in the card layout also make a web page more accessible for the users.
Card Designs are compatible with responsive frameworks. These are often suitable for mobile user scenarios enhancing the rectangular aesthetics of that works well in UI wireframe design. If we think of a card, it is quite similar to the shape and size of a mobile screen. I do not mean that they are equally same, but what I am talking is the aspect ratio that is somehow similar to the mobile design.
Card Layouts are the indispensable parts of modern mobile app and wireframe design. However, card layouts are not suitable for all sorts of design patterns. Some of the websites that list large number of products can use infinite scrolling while minimalist approach is preferred for usability apps.