Enhancing Customer Experience with a Great User Experience

Ashutosh Chandra | 29th July 2020

Markets are more competitive now than ever as the digital era is in full throttle. Customers are demanding much more today than just the creative marketing copy and eye-catching packaging that sufficed in the past. They want brands to pamper them in every way imaginable. Apart from a great experience in person, they also expect services to extend to their online interactions as well. For instance, customers want to receive a flawless digital customer experience in addition to the traditional concept of good customer service. So, it’s high time to begin paying attention to your CX and all that it encompasses.

In this blog, we will be discussing customer experience and how great user experience design services can enhance the customer experience. So, let’s begin.

Customer Experience (CX)


Enhancing Customer Experience with a Great User Experience

Customer experience is the overall impression of the quality of how the customer interacts with the company and vice-versa. Mostly the customer experience focuses on how customers feel after interacting with a company’s products, employees, channels, and systems. Those interactions range from a customer making an inquiry or complaint, a customer browsing through a website or social media page, to a customer signing up for a free trial or buying a product. Customer interactions take place at every stage of the buyer journey.


Also, Read | How A UI/UX Web Design Impacts The Overall Customer Experience

User Experience (UX) vs Customer Experience (CX)

Enhancing Customer Experience with a Great User Experience

UX is the interaction between users and the products or services and the overall experience users get from that interaction. We usually measure UX with metrics such as time to complete a task, clicks to completion, success rate, abandonment rate, etc.

The quality of interactions a customer has with your brand reflects the customer experience. We can measure CX by looking at a customer’s overall experience and likelihood to continue to interact with and recommend your brand to others. So, customer experience encompasses user experience and contains aspects that go outside of the product or service.


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UX Design Best Practices for a Great CX

Enhancing Customer Experience with a Great User Experience

CX encompasses user experience and so we need to focus on the UX part of web design for a well-optimized CX. The users are more likely to remember the experience they had with a website than the data they encountered. That’s why all of your interactive elements such as text, layout, and graphics, should all work together toward creating a better user experience.

Competition is huge in the market, so we need to create a website that stands out from the crowd. Also, we must ensure that it is user-friendly at the same time.

Here are some of the best practices when it comes to UX design:


  • Simplicity – Most users take half a second to scan a website so ensure to make the design clear, concise, and simple.
  • Visual hierarchy – Focus the users’ attention to important page elements by highlighting the ones essential to put forward.

  • Common design elements – Don’t strain your users by enforcing complex design solutions for them to figure out. Keep it simple and create a balance between creativity and common design elements.

  • UX factors – Consider the UX factors in UX design. It should be useful, usable, desirable, findable, accessible, and credible.


Related How A UI/UX Web Design Impacts The Overall Customer Experience

Page Builders and UX

Enhancing Customer Experience with a Great User Experience

To really bring value to your clients, ensure to include all the UX design process we discussed in your website design. Designers or a reputed UX design agency can assist in creating a great CX, with an efficient page builder tool. It is essential to choose a page builder tool which is famous for its ease of use. Also, it must be having all the tools necessary to create a website with great UX.

For creating a website that best suits your niche, designers choose from a variety of themes that work well. It enables them to really personalize the customer experience and align it with your operating niche.


Choosing and Observing UX and CX Metrics

Choosing and observing UX and CX metrics will assist immensely on your path toward satisfying your customers.

Let’s take a look a some of the metrics we want to keep track of:


CX Metrics

  • Net Promoter Score (NPS) – NPS is a well-known CX metric. Survey your customers on how likely they would be to recommend your product or service to their contacts. 


  • Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) – This is an important metric that measures customer satisfaction levels. This metric mostly uses surveys to ask questions such as “How satisfied are you with the product?”. We can use multiple questions on a single survey. 


  • Customer Effort Score (CES) – This metric goes hand in hand with both CX and UX categories. It is a customer service metric. It deals with the quality of the user experience a customer has with a product or service.

UX Metrics

Like CX metrics, these insights are extremely valuable. After all, this is the only way to find out whether our UX is really working or not.


  • Usability metrics – It reveals how easy consumers can achieve their goals. Under this metric, there are several metrics such as task success rate, time on task, ease-of-use, searching vs. navigating, icon recognition, etc.


  • Engagement metrics – It reveals how much attention users give to a website or app, the amount of time they spend interacting with it, time spent in the flow state, how it makes them feel, etc.


  • Conversion metrics – They are probably the most important but they focus on a small percentage of consumers who might commit to your website or are thinking about increasing engagement. This metric can assist us to notice the patterns in the data we gather and changes over time of use.


Customer experience has become one of the most important components of any business strategy. Without a solid strategy in place, one might have a hard time acquiring customers. At the same time, UX is one of the most important components of CX. So it is essential to think deeply about how to create a well-designed and efficient UX. Contact our Oodles
UX design agency for more assistance.

Image source: Google images

About Author


Ashutosh Chandra

Ashutosh is a blogger and technical writer at Oodles, who covers topics ranging from Branding, UI/UX design, Graphic design to other design and technology-related matters.

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