A Designer’s Guide to Avoid Common Mistakes

Bhuvan Verma | 26th July 2019

It doesn’t matter you’re a beginner or a professional, we are humans and we do make mistakes. Some mistakes can do big damage. We need to take preventive actions and consult with some senior and come up with an effective solution. The basic element is effective UI design.


In order to attract users, designers should keep three things in mind, it should be engaging, beautiful and evoking. The design should include one important principle ‘Keep it simple and stupid or ‘Don’t make me think’.


As per the conducted servery by the providers of Ui Ux design services. There are some statistics which proves UI design importance :

  • 38% of people leave the website if UI is not appealing.
  • 47% of people can’t wait very long for the website to load (at max 2 seconds)


Let’s talk about the mistakes that we make

Grid’s importance for responsive design

A grid is made up of 8,12 or 16 vertical columns. Research says 3.8 million people use mobile, so a responsive design makes your website flexible across all the mobile devices. Basically, the grid makes thing clear, effective and clean. Ideally it the design should be good enough to stand along with the competitor’s website.


Navigation mistakes

Most of us create an unintuitive design which lacks in the hierarchy. Next important thing is website navigation where the placement of menus and placement of buttons to make the flow clear to our target users because navigation can irritate the potential users if they do not get the clear view of the website.


Inconsistent icons

The designer usually makes mistakes in fixing the size of the icons they export or they use the mixed type of icons with squared or round corners.


Lack of Contrast

Proper contrast should be maintained to make the content readable without giving stress on the eyes. If the design holds bad contrast among text, background, and images.


Bad CTA design

Color to gain the attention of users, buttons also includes other parameters like Size, Shape, Location, Length. A CTA button should not be too attention-grabbing, it should whisper and tickle. The point is to find the perfect balance between font, shadow, and color. Test the button because it would bring business. A small error in design can impact the business.


Keep it simple

Simplicity is very crucial for design. We need to make thing self-explanatory for the user with little or no effort at all because the first time user won’t be staying for very long and in that short period we need to hold the user, he will bounce with the experience of the website give him a headache.



Make the website as much friendly as possible, keep the image size less which would make the loading timeless. Design for the user not for yourself. CTA button should be clear. All over the website should be self-explanatory.   


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Bhuvan Verma

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