Everyone is a designer

Swarnim Agarwal | 4th April 2019

When you accept the reality that design decisions may come from outside your group, by people who are not professional “designers” in their job titles, you approach your colleagues differently. Now they’re not just your colleagues — they’re your design team.


The companies that produce great design, such as Apple and Airbnb, have already learned this.


Does everyone need the skills of a designer? I think Of course not. But each person needs to understand how their decisions affect the customer experience.


When an developer takes a shortcut on performance, he needs to understand how that damages the user experience. similarly, when a designer forces an developer to make a change that affects performance, that developer should help the designer in making the best overall design decision — not just roll over and start to do what the designer is asking. this type of respectful collaboration makes great design happen.


One of the best ways to encourage empathy is to look at and  customer research studies with colleagues across your company. When a colleague runs a study with a company, we should insist that the real team — not just the designers — See those interviews and take notes. If it’s not possible for everyone to see in real time, you can record the sessions and schedule a meeting for later.


Work outside your design team

When you accept that design can happen almost everywhere in your organization, you should take responsibility for it. if Your app is slow? Go sit with your developing team. Your marketing team is communicating poorly your product to future customers? You should better offer to work with them on the problem.


Obviously, doing a design with everyone in your company is quite tough, But it’s necessary if you want to be a great designer. For example, imagine that your owner made a complex pricing structure for your product. You could focus on making the pricing page as neat and clear as possible with the use of your interface and information design skills. But the harder and more important design opportunity is to work with your owner on repricing your product so it would be clear to customers and compatible with the business goals.


Grow your design team to include non-designers

The design is a quite tough job. You’ll need a number of skills and years of practice to truly master design.


Maybe that’s why so many designers become offended when non-designers do designing work and get called “designers”. You can act offended if you want, but the reality is that other peoples can make design decisions with or without you, encourage them . because They are not making your job less valuable or They are not making your job title less meaningful.


These designers are making your team and your product stronger because they’re giving their unique perspectives. So Help them boost their skills, and let them use their expertise to the advantage of your product and company.


Let’s make a better future together


all design in our daily lives and this is a great place to build empathy for customers and drive design collaboration with teammates. Design centric companies should create more value so increasing design literacy across the organization is important to bring design methodologies in product development. Not only we should invite people into our design process, we must lead our team, customers or organization by design to create more competitive and compelling products.


The cost and ease of use of design tools make it more efficient in bringing design methods into everyone’s workflow. Teams that build connected products and services can not separate the real-time analytics collected from the personalized experiences they create ‘ the users are integral in the design process. Users help in designing the product, whether through directly or indirectly contributing to the system.


It’s an amazing time to be a designer.


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Swarnim Agarwal

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