While a number of practices continued, the year 2016 also witnessed several new design approaches that were popular throughout the year. Here, we shall talk about several front-end development trends of 2016 that were highly practiced by the UI developers.
Full-screen navigation design uplifts the user experience on mobile devices. This approach allows users to navigate through every element of the page without restricting them from accessing any component. The trend of websites with full navigation has been in the vogue this year as a large number of designers have incorporated this. Also, it won’t be incorrect to state that this trend is going to see a long run.
Having a browser-based development environment has always been the need for front-end developers. In the year 2016, a number of cloud-based IDEs were popular. Browser-based IDEs are faster, accessible and more flexible. You may not need IDEs most of the time and in that case, browser-based IDEs are can prove very handy to quickly test a bootstrap code without downloading a single file.
Motion UI is widely used for creating animations and CSS transitions. Motion UI is one of the easiest ways to make an app’s transitions look smooth and appealing with predefined motions.
Motion UI has been one of the most preferred libraries by developers. The way prototypical animated elements integrate into the websites is why it has been a popular choice. The year 2016 saw an emerging trend of Motion UI application and yes, use of subtle animation has taken the web design a step forward.
Bootstrap is a popular name when we talk about the front-end development. It includes JavaScript or JS, CSS, and HTML components. It meets all the responsive web design standards, providing enough room to develop responsive sites of every type.
Since Bootstrap gets updated periodically, it includes the latest features and components. For an example, as soon the Google announced Material Design Standards, it was immediately incorporated into the Bootstrap update. So, we can conclude, Bootstrap is expected to evolve in the upcoming years as well.
Semantic-UI was introduced recently and undoubtedly stands out in so many ways and is competing to be one of the popular front-end frameworks.
The major highlight of Semantic UI is its simplicity. Since it uses natural language in the front-end development, the code is self-explanatory. This framework might be useful for beginners who just had their hands on the coding part. Semantic-UI is also popular for its integrated array of third-party libraries.
When it comes to enterprise edition front-end framework, Foundation is the first name. It is highly advanced and ideal for developing nimble and responsive websites. It is a features-rich framework that supports GPU acceleration for smooth and lightning-fast animations. In addition, it is supported by Fastclick.js for superfast rendering on the mobile devices. With some advanced features, there is a downside to this framework as newbies find it difficult to use Foundation.