One of the most important attributes of an effectual design is a crystal clear UI. All the elements are required to be well-balanced and positioned in the harmony so that the users could simply notice the information on the screen and connect with a product without many efforts. For creating an effective design composition, experts use multiple methods and procedures from the art science. One of the commonly used tools help to create design compositions is a mathematical proportion called the golden ratio. In this blog, I am going to tell you how to use golden ratio in UI design.
An effectual composition is a core part of designing. All the elements are required to work together to enlarge the pleasant experience. In addition, every individual element, even the icons, has to be made in a harmony within itself. Graphic designers are more keen to implement the golden ratio rule.
Icon and logo design needs in-depth observation of the details. The golden ratio rule authorizes building illustrations where every element is well-positioned in a harmony and perfect proportion to the others. In addition, logo design is a heart of the brand so designers attempt to represent it in the most convincing way. This rule can increase aesthetic appeal to a logo and raise the demand of the brand.
UI requires a crystal clear visual representation of the components so that people could use a particular product without any difficulty. The rule implies to place UI elements effectively. Even, it can be used at the stage of wireframing. It can also help experts to crop pictures for the web design so that it can make sure that the composition of the photo remains balanced.
Designers might face the situations when a particular product requires to contain a magnificent amount of content and every part is vital and cannot be swapped. To merge all the components in a friendly composition, the golden ratio can be applied. Divide the layout into various sections using a proportion of 1:1.618 and put that content in the fields according to their prominence.
While organizing content, we can not leave visual hierarchy. Golden ratio rule is a method of the efficient structuring of content components. Merging the principles of these two techniques, designers raise the chances of creating a strong design composition.