All You Need to Know About Logo Placement Tips

Shalini Tyagi | 3rd October 2019

Ever thought about how designers choose (on the off chance that they spend time thinking about it by any stretch

of the imagination) on the situation of a brand’s logo on the landing page of a site? The logo typically fills in as

an approach to enable you to wind up back to the landing page in a moment, regardless of on what site page of the

site you end up after some navigation.

Typically, a logo orientation represents itself with no issue, however once in a while, there’s an extra rule for where it ought to show up on a page within a layout. For instance, a logo could have been intended to consistently be situated at the center of a page, or the bottom right corner and so on.

You’ve probably observed the logo in three places on a page: on the left, in the center, and on the right

(which would be extremely unconventional).

1. Left-aligned or Centered:

This implies the user will look more on a left adjusted logo than a focused or right adjusted one. The more visual looks your logo gets, the simpler it is for the user to review your image. Setting your logo on the left additionally strengthens the user’s propensity for clicking the furthest left component to get to the landing page.

Left-adjusted logos are better for navigation. In the examination, just 4% of clients neglected to explore home in a single click when the logo showed up on the left. At the point when the logo was centered, 24% of clients neglected to arrive in a single click.

2. Left vs. Right:

Left-adjusted logos lead to greater brand reviews. In particular, the normal brand review for left-adjusted logos was 39% rather than 21% for the right-adjusted adaptation.

Left-adjusted logos are bound to be marked “unique.” Despite the customary placement of a left-adjusted logo, respondents were still bound to name a left-adjusted logo as “unique” and “stylish” than one that showed up on the right.



Designers ought to put logos on the left-hand side of a page. This goes for all pages. On the off chance that you don’t, the user will have significant issues returning to the landing page and basically finding their way back to the beginning stage of the site.

What’s more, when user experience considerable difficulties finding their way around a site, awful things typically occur, for example,

Clients getting frustrated

Clients leaving your site

Users will not find any consistency in your creatives.

More terrible SEO rankings

So make sure to plan with a left-adjusted logo, and your creatives layout, as well as your site’s structure, will be consistent and will have a good UX., which results in more changes and income, as well. Moreover you can talk to our experts for the logo or web design services.

About Author


Shalini Tyagi

Shalini is an experienced Graphic designer having key skills in typography, color selection. Always keen to experiment something new in designing.

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