How Lorem Ipsum Is Ruining Your Designs

Bharat | 12th September 2018

Most of the time, we have heard that content is the prime element. Some people even consider it as the King. Videos, images and other multifarious content are the prime objectives that your visitants are coming and staying on your website for some time. Design should be the supplementary coating, thus adding to the experience that lets visitants locate desired info, reading the info, or basically completing a particular task. The moment you decide to put Lorem Ipsum into your prototype, you have done damage to your content, design, website, and users. In this blog, I will tell you how lorem ipsum is ruining your designs.

Some of the poor things happening because of Lorem Ipsum

  1. a) Lorem Ipsum has harassed consumers from design prototypes, influencing them to ask unlimited questions on why their website is occupied with an anonymous, foreign language.
  2. b) It has often fabricated chaos between the developer, designer, and the content writer.
One another Visual Element

When you are designing by using Lorem Ipsum, you disparage the importance of the copy by degrading it to the same height as another visual element. The text basically becomes another assisting role, benefitting to make other attributes more artistic. Inspect of your design magnifying the expressiveness of the content, your content is actually strengthening your design.

Customized to Fit in

The person who is creating content when influenced by a hazardous way; they start to write as per what has been equipped with Lorem Ipsum in the design. They challengingly proceed for pictures on matters that could simply be clarified into a sole sentence. Content could be merged that actually doesn’t require to be there.

Putting the correct foot ahead

In one of the perfect circumstances, you would be dealing with a content professional from the very start. Let’s experience it, this does not take place as much as it should. Else, the client is writing the content for the site and it gets presented to you just before it gets inaugurated.

It’s time to upturn that thinking

You should be getting and analyzing the content even before the beginning of the design. When you are employed for the task, make it available to the client that you require the copy forthright and index the causes.

Still facing complications

Write your own content, really, just do it. By this method, when it actually comes to winding up both the interaction and the copy, the content writer will have an understanding of the point you were trying to create. In addition, a design is a supplement to your content. If you are having a great design but poor content then no one will read, use, buy or connect with it. This is the challenge with a lot of websites out there. If you have good quality content, users will look out for a way to work with the design.

Bottom line

Lorem Ipsum will not only ruin your website design, what it does it takes apart some of the potential to offer the best possible solution for your design related problem. You can build tremendous, pretty, stunning designs by using lorem ipsum but it takes away your available assets to resolve your problem.

About Author



Bharat is a Content Writer at Oodles Studio having an immense passion for writing Technical Content. He has written content on UI, UX, web designing, and graphic designing.

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