Master Your Microcopy Skills To Boost Design

Saurabh Tiwary | 29th June 2016

Content is an essential asset of any design project. In order to convey your message to the users, it is essential to effectively create your text in such a way that it hits the mind of the user. Words play a vital role in enhancing the user experience at functional as well as delightful level. Apart from the proper information architecture, it is also important to take care of what you actually convey to the end user. That’s all about the text. But how is it related to Microcopy? Read on.



Microcopy, as the term suggests is a small copy that is often used to display small texts such as error messages, terms and conditions, payment instructions etc.(Take a look at the image above). Although it is not a new concept to the web designer, but in recent days, they are highly applied in website design as they are  important from marketing aspects as well.


Why Microcopy Is Important?

Microcopy plays following roles in a website.

  • It encourages the visitors to stay on your website.
  • It brings a sense of trust as it conveys even a small bit of information to the user assuring them to proceed with a sense of security.
  • Microcopy helps promote your brand in a big way as they are not only functional, but a small detail on your web content can make a huge difference to how the content consistently reflects and strengthens your brand.


What Should You Consider In Microcopy Design?

  • The first step towards  this approach is to know the goal of your website content.
  • Study your content and try to identify the web visitor’s journey which is ideal for achieving the marketing goals.
  • Verify the various stages of your ideal customer journey. Accordingly, examine at every level of the design, and make sure that it assists your visitors smoothly without any inconvenience.
  • Figure out the important needs and objectives of the web visitors at every stage of journey and provide a detailed information addressing any concern or question that is likely to persist.
  • When it comes to designing part, put efforts on designing a creative one that reflects your brand’s identity for consistent branding at any given opportunity. The secret of a successful microcopy lies in the detail.


The Bottom Line

Every tiny component of your website matters and so does microcopy. It is an important asset of a website when it comes to marketing. However, these are not only limited to the marketing applications but a little microcopy content to your website always has an influence on the User Experience.


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Saurabh Tiwary

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