6 Mobile UX Principles For Flawless App Design

Saurabh Tiwary | 25th September 2016

Mobile UX

Designing an app for a mobile requires a bit of different approach than designing for the desktop. Almost every mobile app design company muddle up while taking into account the needs of their client. It demands a slightly varied skillset and it has certainly a different rule book. You do not actually need to throw away everything that has added to your experience of designing a good mobile UX design for desktop. However, a lot of what works on the desktop is not simply going to work for mobile app designs.

Having known this fact, here are 6 mobile UX design principles that can help you create a well-designed mobile user experience. Although there is a lot to think that just these 6 design principles, you can count these as a general principle for carrying out a majority of mobile UX design tasks. 

Focus On The User Goals

Figure out the goals that your users are the target to accomplish and focus only on their primary goals. For an example, they might need to find a hotel, shop, or want to know the flight schedule or might be interested in knowing the weather forecasts. The first step towards any app design, be it a mobile app UX or the desktop application, the primary goal of every design is to accomplish the task.

Do Not Port From The Desktop

Instead of trying to port a desktop design to achieve new mobile UX, it’s far better to take a step back consider if you can design for mobile from the first phase. Consider the first principle of achieving the target goal, check out the required features and think of how will a mobile user journey be different from that of the desktop one? How UI changes are to be carried out based on the touch interface for the mobile devices and so on.

Break Tasks Into Number Of Sub Parts

Dividing various tasks into the bite-sized chunks, such as providing a proper sequence to access every information is a part of well-established UX design principle. This is crucial for mobile app UX designs as you don’t want to make your user interface complex and breaking everything and placing at appropriate places makes it easy for every mobile user. Do not just replicate the same steps from a desktop site or app as there is likely to be too much complexity for mobile designs.

Make Everything Bigger Than The Desktop

Users might be using their mobile on the go where it might be quite difficult reading teeny tiny. They might be using their thumbs for controlling the mobile interactions. You might also be amazed to know that not all mobile screens are as pin-sharp as you might think and all the visible text cannot be accessed. So, while designing a mobile UI/UX, it is very crucial to make everything larger as compared to the desktop.

Minimise The Need For Typing

While designing a mobile UI and for specific apps, if possible, always allow users to tap, rather than type. Keep all the forms as short as possible and simple and get rid of any unnecessary fields. Make use of smart features such as automating data fetch and postcode lookup so that users need to type only the important information. Also, focus on minimalist design.

Also Read: Minimalist Approach Is The New Secret Of Mobile Apps Design

 Make Use Of Gestures

One of the major advantages of mobile app design is an availability of gesture features which makes it more usable than desktop apps. Take into account this gesture features such as pinch to zoom, double tap etc. These gestures allow users to access all the content easily. To know more about gestures in the mobile application, Read; Implementing Gestures In Mobile Apps Design 

Oodles studio is a preeminent name in a field of web and mobile app design companies. We offer web and mobile apps UX/UI designing services as well as mobile app wireframing services. Get in touch to get the best out of your design project.

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Saurabh Tiwary

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