Akhila Raju | 31st December 2018

Sometime in the past you simply utilized a JPG measured to fit the space at 72 dpi and proceeded onward. Not any longer. High-goals screens, different viewports and a need a smart site have made it a significantly more unpredictable process. How about we plunge into the advantages and disadvantages of every one of these arrangements!




SVG looks incredible at any size and works for practically any sort of picture other than a photograph. SVG, or Scalable Vector Graphics, is extraordinarily functional. That is the reason planners are utilizing it all the more often. Since SVG is a vector arrange, they look extraordinary at any size and work for basically any kind of picture other than a photograph. SVG is a lossless organization – which means it doesn’t lose any information when compacted – renders a boundless number of hues and is most regularly utilized for illustrations and logos on the web and for undertakings that will be seen on retina or other high-goals screens.


Pros of SVG


  • Vector design renders well at any size
  • Capacity to make basic SVG renders in a code or word processor
  • Structure and fare complex designs from Adobe Illustrator or Sketch
  • SVG content is available
  • SVGs are anything but difficult to style and content
  • SVG groups are upheld by present day programs and are future-verification
  • Arrangement is exceedingly compressible and lightweight
  • Useful for pursuit as a result of content based arrangement
  • Backings straightforwardness
  • Takes into consideration still or energized pictures


Cons of SVG


  • Planning SVGs can get entangled
  • Try not to render on some debased programs
  • Restricted help for email customers




PNG offers something a JPG can’t – straightforwardness.

PNG, or Portable Network Graphics, is an organization intended for the web that offers something a JPG can’t – straightforwardness. This by itself is the reason PNG has been so mainstream for transferring components, for example, logos to web architectures.

There are two sorts of PNGs – PNG-8 and PNG-24. PNG-8 utilizes a more constrained shading palette with only 256 hues, has to some degree better straightforwardness and fares at a little size. PNG-24 utilizes a boundless shading palette, keeps up straightforwardness however sends out at a bigger size. Both PNG types have lossless pressure. While PNG designs are like GIFs, they don’t bolster movement. This configuration is most ordinarily utilized for symbols, little still pictures or any picture that needs straightforwardness.


Pros of PNG


  • Backings straightforwardness
  • Useful for pictures with content in them
  • PNG groups render logos well
  • Incorporates implanted content depiction for web crawlers
  • PNG-8 has little record estimate and is generally lightweight
  • Fares without rough edges


Cons of PNG


  • Document sizes develop rapidly for vast records, for example, pictures
  • Some more established email customers experience difficulty with rendering them
  • No liveliness
  • PNG-24 documents can get vast; not as useful for web sharing




Each time a photograph is resaved and sent out as a JPG, it will corrupt.

JPG, or Joint Photographic Experts Group, or JPEG, is presumably the most outstanding picture design. It’s the default choice for most picture sparing in light of the fact that it is photograph inviting on account of a for all intents and purposes boundless shading show.

JPG additionally offers the capacity to pick how compacted a picture ought to be from 0 percent (overwhelming pressure) to 100 percent (no pressure). Most planners settle on something in the 60 to 70 percent run. Pictures still take a gander at this pressure level however document sizes are significantly littler.

JPG utilizes lossy pressure and does not keep up unique information amid pressure. Each time a photograph is resaved and traded as a JPG, it will debase.

The JPG arrange is most ordinarily utilized for pictures, photography, and anything with a ton of shading.


Pros of JPEG


  • Extraordinary for high shading and photography
  • Simple to lessen document sizes
  • Renders reliably in email customers


Cons of JPEG


  • No straightforwardness
  • Makes rugged edges for content
  • No movement
  • Lossy configuration
  • No programmed metadata for hunt, must incorporate alt data
  • What Format Should You Use?


Since you know what a portion of the distinctions are between SVG versus PNG versus JPG, what would it be a good idea for you to utilize?

You can pose a couple of inquiries to get at that answer.

Do you require a vector or raster organize?


  1. Vector: SVG
  2. Raster: JPG or PNG


Do you require straightforwardness?


  1. Yes: SVG or PNG
  2. No: JPG


Is it true that you are utilizing a high shading picture?


  1. Yes: JPG or PNG
  2. No: SVG


Is it an extensive photograph?


  1. Yes: JPG
  2. No: PNG


Does the picture contain content?


  1. Yes: PNG
  2. No: JPG


Is lossless pressure essential to you?


  1. Yes: SVG or PNG
  2. No: JPG


Do illustrations should be refreshed and redeployed?


  1. Yes: SVG
  2. No: PNG or JPG


It is safe to say that you are utilizing activity?


  1. Yes: SVG
  2. No: JPG or PNG


Each of the three picture groups – SVG, PNG, and JPG – have commonsense and far reaching applications. While SVG is the most up to date arrange, and can regularly be spared to the littlest document measure, it’s not generally the best alternative.

Consider how you are utilizing pictures in your undertaking as you select a document type to locate the one that will work best for what you are attempting to achieve. You may even find that ventures incorporate pictures that utilization each of the three document types. (It’s in reality truly normal!)


About Author


Akhila Raju

Visual Designer!

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