This Is Why Designers Should Work On Empathy Map

Saurabh Tiwary | 5th July 2016

The prime objective of any design project is to engage users with the content of a website. However, talking from the user’s point of view, accessing a website that fails to drive them through their thoughts and emotions might often be tedious.  Empathy Map is all about taking into the account; feelings, thoughts and emotions of customers and implementing them into the design process to ensure it’s effectiveness.

Empathy Map

What is Empathy Map?

An empathy map is a collaborative tool that is often used by design teams to gain a deeper insight into their customers. The process involved in empathy mapping can proceed in this way. Initiate a team meeting and set the target of empathy map. Once the objective is determined, print out the sketch of empathy map and ask every member of your team to write their thoughts individually on a piece of paper and ask them to answer questions like:


What would they be thinking and feeling? What might be their concerns?

  • What would user feel about the product in a specific environment?
  • What might user expect from the product and what might be the reason for their concern? etc.


When To Use Empathy Map?

Empathy Map can be useful when you want your product to be viewed from user’s environment.

– jumping into the customer section of a business product

– filling out on user personas

– bringing users in the user story


The Major Issue With Empathy Map

The major problem with Empathy Map is that it gets difficult for project members with a small team or only a few members. In such case, they fail to propose an empathy map which requires analysis from a number of users. However, there is a solution to the problem. A number of online tools are available that can help you with Empathy Map to be used in web design applications.


Oodles Studio is one of the leading design companies with technical expertise in website wireframe design, Mobile Apps UI Design, Video Animation Design etc. Our designers aim to deliver the clients with the best-in-class and cost-effective designing services  based on the client’s requirement.

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Saurabh Tiwary

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