Best UI Design Principles To Create Stunning User-Friendly UIs

Bharat | 18th June 2018

A User Interface design refers to the interface of software and machines with a primary emphasis on increasing the usability and user experience. The purpose of a UI design is to make a user’s interaction with the website easier and effective as much as possible. To raise the chances of success when making user interfaces, many designers follow certain interface design principles. In this blog, I am going to tell you about the top-notch UI design principles.

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Best UI design principles are:

To Place the users in control of the interface:

Effective user interfaces imprint a sense of control in their users. By keeping those users under the supervision makes them comfortable with the environment. They learn speedily and attain a quick sense of proficiency. The actions made on the interface should be reversible in nature. It means that the users must have the option to speedily reverse whatever they are doing like Undo and Redo. This feature authorizes the users to explore the product without the fear of getting failed. The interface should be easy to navigate and obvious in nature. Users must be aware that where they are, where they have been and where they are going. It must provide informative feedback to its users. As this is basically associated with certain points of action, a system must send a meaningful response to a user’s every action.

Make the interface comfortable for a user to interact:

The user interface must eliminate those elements which are not supporting your users. Remove the information which is not pertinent or is rarely required. Non-pertinent info on UI clashes with the pertinent information and reduces its visibility. Also, an interface doesn’t ask users for the data they have already entered. Users are easily irritated by boring data-entry sequences, especially when they have already given the information before.

An interface must protect a user’s work:
An interface should take care that the user never loses its work such as because of an error on its side, system error, or the problem of an internet connection. Or due to any other reason such as a sudden power loss which is completely inevitable.
An Interface must reduce the number of actions required to complete the task:

When we are designing a user interface, then we have to minimize the total number of actions required by a user to accomplish a task. Experts say that a user should not click more than three mouse clicks if he is searching for an information.

An interface should be consistent:

The consistency of a design is one of the important features which directly contributes towards the usability and learnability. The main thought behind the consistency is the idea of transferable knowledge. Users transfer their skills and knowledge from one part of the app’s user interface to another part, and also from one particular app to another app. And also users don’t like the visual style if it varies for no reason. Same colors, icons, fonts should be present all over the interface.


In short, the prime target of a UI designer is to generate user-friendly interfaces. Interface that persuades exploration without the fear of any negative outcome. The top-notch UI design principles are, the interface should place the users in control, it must be comfortable for the user to interact, it must protect user’s work, and it should be consistent.

About Author



Bharat is a Content Writer at Oodles Studio having an immense passion for writing Technical Content. He has written content on UI, UX, web designing, and graphic designing.

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