Trendy Designs

Anuj Bisht | 29th September 2017

Let’s talk about the trendy graphic designs, new trend is of bright colors and louder colors now trend is shifted from the old colors like white, grey and black color to the new trendy brights colors. Typography is also shifted into the bold style typo, live images or authentic images are also in trend if you are creating social media posts or other social media things banners etc. i think this kind of images help you a lot to create a good design. Try to make or you can also click the images from your own that make a unique concept of create your own identity so it’s better to create or make it by your own. If you are good in hand drawing or also good in creating or drawing icons then it’s more than anything that makes you different from the others you just need to draw or create your design and share or post the design of yours.


Casper is the good example of the hand drawing thing. GIFs are the latest trendy thing in social media market in which you can create the short animation clip or you can say that frame by frame animation, you can show a moving thing concept through GIFs also show your services step by step through this. Dual Tones are also some new trendy concept in which you can create the design by using dual color, this concept is looks good in music related backgrounds or all music things like magazines or book covers etc. i hope you like the things which i shared with all of you guys and i also hope it will help you in future, you just want to do one thing try to think out of the box so that no one can reach your imagination or make different designs from others.

About Author


Anuj Bisht

I am an experienced UI/UX designer, Responsible for creating the sketch, wireframe, prototype, and visual mockups. apart from that, I like traveling and singing.

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