The year 2016 has been more than the fortune for the Apple users all around the world. With an advent of iPhone 7 variants and rolling out of iOS 10 update, the California-based tech giant is all set to provide the matchless mobile User Experience to its users in the upcoming year 2017. It’s been awhile since Apple has introduced 10 for iOS apps and it’s been heard that they have already started to work on the 10.2.1 beta version. Seeing the consistent update being rolled out, it’s more than the need for mobile UX design experts to keep a pace with the immersing trends.
With a wide number devices having different resolution, make sure you design adaptive layouts. Use Sketch tool to design the layouts as per the screen size showing extra menus when required.
From iPhone to iPad Pro, the layout design must adapt to every screen type and aspect ratio. The app interface expands instead of scaling up.In the case of larger screens such as iPad or iPhone 7 Plus, in landscape mode, a Left Navigation appears rather than the Tab Bar.
Suggested Read, How can Micro-Interaction be used to Boost Mobile UX Design?
San Francisco is now the default font for iOS based app designs. Apple has been very fond of employing flat design principles. And now, they are encouraging mobile UX designers to use San Francisco font in the interface design.
The advantage of the iOS is that it automatically adapts to the tracking value and Text or Display for San Francisco depending on the font size. This makes the typeface easily readable. While dealing with 20 pt or more, SF UI Display should be used, and in other scenarios, make use of SF UI Text. These tracking values are only applicable when you are working in Photoshop. If you are using Sketch, use this formula:
Font Size*Tracking/1000
A newly added feature to the iOS is the 3D Touch. It allows you to quickly access options within the app.It is now comparatively very easy to force-press your App Icon and figure out the frequently used items. In the new design approach, you need to take care of shortcuts to provide more power to the users.
However, while boosting the 3D touch interface, it is important to consider the primary functions and operations being performed.
App icons make your app recognizable. It sets up a unique brand identity for your app. You need to bring several changes to the app icon design from now onwards. 1x assets are no more supported for the iPhones. So, you need not create 1x icons.There are two alternatives available i.e. either 2x or 3x. While designing for iPad, 1x and 2x can be used.
Suggested Read: All you Need to Know About Iconography