Analyse the competition– Explore how others have solved the problem you are setting out to solve. How much can you reuse?
Analyse Your Data- Make an inventory of the data you have and how useful it is. Analyse clicks, Pageviews, Conversions, Funnels etc.
Get User feedback- What Material do you have from the users about their experience? Are there surveys? Are there old support tickets? Dig ‘em out’ and analyze them!
Write user Stories- This is a good time to start doing personas. Write down initial user stories and related scenarios.
Plot use flows- Start plotting user flows based on the scenarios you defined in the previous step. These will be useful when you start creating your wireframes.
Clear the structure- Define important key points for your product so that you will be able to identify, priorities and eliminate any usability obstacles on key user journeys.
Explore and Communicate-
Brainstorm and sketch out ideas- Formalize the best ideas and sketches into wireframes. Reuse validated user flows and pages from earlier projects.
Create information and architecture – Make an effort to really understand your users and how your data is structured. Organize your navigation in a clear and understandable way.
Groke the language of your user- In what context will your product be used and by whom? How do they talk? How does your brand relate to both context and users? Also, Analyse what degree of accessibility your users will need.
Create –
Identify important UI elements – Create a small set of initial guidelines and then start designing your UI elements from that. Again what device will your users use to access your content and what demands does that put on gesture support?
Decide degree of responsiveness
Give feedback-
Design for waiting times- Have you taken into consideration all the states when your product is loading something.