Why Prototyping is Useful in Website Design?

Saurabh Tiwary | 22nd November 2016

Just like a wireframe, a website prototype is a useful design model which helps designer test various features of the website. It can be productive while showing an interactive demo of your new design to the clients. Prototyping is different from the wireframing process as latter is just a descriptive model while the former is interactive.

Website prototypes can be very useful in specifying the functionality and behavior of the design. Although a prototype is not an actual website, but  it demonstrates a majority of the website functionalities through a responsive website model. It can prove very handy to the designers to present their ideas and validate every feature of the website.

Why Prototyping is Useful in Website Design-

Why Prototype Your Website Design?

The prime need to create a website prototype is to collect feedback from the stakeholders and the users to verify the design process. It also helps in resolving the website related issues. It can help and designers discuss what is really needed in polishing the design and what should be eradicated. This, in turn, saves ample of time and a huge amount of money during the website development.

Moreover, a website prototype can be a very useful specification document for designers and the developers. A general purpose functional specification document is long stretched out and difficult to interpret and engage with. However, an interactive prototype helps visualize everything quickly and easily.

Pros of Website Prototyping

Prototyping a website design can have a number of advantages.

For Better Communication and Collaboration

It can help discuss requirement documentation. In addition, it provides a common platform where both the parties can share collaborative reviews. In the case of website prototyping, users can actively participate and share their experiences and come with ideas that can help them design better interfaces.

Helps Study the Feasibility with Efficient Use of Resources

When we talk about designing wireframes or mockups, it is important to note that they are not interactive. Prototyping allows design teams to experiment with the design and learn as if they are working on a website. It is likely that designers can even come up with some new idea to implement in the design.

Must Read, What are Wireframes, Mockups and Prototypes?

Sell Your Idea

Prototypes can be useful if you’re working with doubtful clients. Some clients prefer to experience the real-life website than a wordy description or mockup bogged down with notes. Coming up with a distinct idea with a proper presentation can help you earn some more bucks.

Must Read, Creating Website Prototype In The Web Browser

Helps Ensure Website Usability

Through user-testing of the design, you can figure out problems and fix them earlier in the design process. This, in turn, prevents from any issues while dealing with the final codes. Prototyping helps reduce error by up to 25%.

About Author


Saurabh Tiwary

2 Comments To “Why Prototyping is Useful in Website Design?”

    milad gharooni says:
    November 26, 2016 at 10:54 am

    It’s useful.When I want to design a website I make it in Balsamic and after verifying I start to complete it

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