Website Redesigning Essentials: Why and How?

Saurabh Tiwary | 31st May 2016

It has been years since you have brought about any major modifications to your website design. Well, as the days are passing, a number of tools and resources have come forth to get your hands on. Also, there are various reasons why you should consider Website Redesigning for several advantages.

Website Redesigning


Why Do You Need To Redesign Your Website?

  • To provide a fresh look and feel to your website
  • To optimize the loading time and enhance the user experience
  • To increase the web traffic and page views etc.
  • Also, to maintain high search engine rankings and to get new visitors, you have to keep pace with the latest in web design trends


So, let’s explore the secrets of how simple redesign tweaks can revamp your website’s functionality and the user experience.

Useful Practices in Website Redesigning 

Boost Website Speed

The speed of a website is a major influential factor that search engines look at as a part of their ranking yardsticks. It is also what agitate users while signing up for the websites if it is a slow one. Users tend to lose their patience when a website consumes more time. Some of the measures to boost the loading time are:

  • Avoid placing too much of flash or video content on your web pages.
  • If required, lower the density of the graphics wherever possible. You may opt for some compression tools as well for optimizing the images and video content loading time.
  • Avoid error in coding at the back end.
  • Make sure your HTML is validated correctly.

Employ CSS and HTML

You should be employing CSS and HTML for so many reasons. Being a part of cutting-edge technology and having multiple browsers support can have many productive advantages. There are probabilities that your current website might be devoid of these features. Make use of advanced styling, type kits and fonts that are easily available online.

Focus on Mobile Friendly Design

It is always anticipated to consider the mobile users while rebuilding your website. This is crucial as we see a large number of website’s traffic being generated from the mobile users worldwide. The idea of having your website in the form of an app is very promising if you can manage to do so.

Keep Your Website Updated Through Content Management System(CMS)

Frequent updating of content through CMS is what you need to carry on in Website Redesigning for a number of reasons including SEO benefits. Even though your website is not a dynamic one, consider the freshness and the quality of information that is being reflected on your website.

Videos Are Now A Lot More Accessible

Most of the internet users nowadays are able to seamlessly stream videos on their devices. Since video content is by far considered as the most engaging content of the website, it must be an essential component of describing information. However, you must be able to ensure lag-free streaming and allow efficient video transmission while Website Redesigning.

Compare Between “Nice To Have” and “Must Have”

Although a number of web design attributes may seem to be an indispensable part of your design. However, you should perform an analysis of what you really want to have and what if something is just effective. You can discard less important features and include the one that is timeless and justifies your specialization.

About Author


Saurabh Tiwary

2 Comments To “Website Redesigning Essentials: Why and How?”

    Equatorlounge says:
    November 22, 2016 at 7:27 am

    It would be good if you could add some tools, like the tools available in Chrome and Firefox. Nice article 🙂

      Saurabh Tiwary says:
      December 1, 2016 at 8:16 am

      Well, we will soon research on this and add more relevant information to this article..

      Thank you so much, keep visiting Oodles Studio for More interesting Article.

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